圣力嘉学院 Seneca College 2020年5月/9月入学及2021年1月入学,仍对国际留学生开放的专业列表如下。

如果你计划申请加拿大学院20年5月/9月或21年1月专业,可以随时与我们연락 주시기 바랍니다. 저희의유학 컨설턴트凭借每年解决超过1,000申请个案的经验,为你提供最专业且免费的申请咨询与服务。

Program Code Program Name Campus
ACC Accounting Newnham
ACF Accounting and Finance Newnham
AFD Art Fundamentals Seneca@York
BAB Bus Admin-International Bus Newnham
BAF Bus.Admin.-Financial Planning Newnham
BAG Business Admin-Management Newnham
BAM Business Admin – Marketing Seneca@York
BAO Bus.Admin.-Purch.&Supply Mgmt. Newnham
BAS Bus.Admin-Enrep. & Small Bus. Newnham
BBS Business Newnham
BMT Business – Marketing Seneca@York
BUI Busn-International Busn Newnham
CDM Chronic Disease Management King
CLT Chemical Laboratory Technician Seneca@York
CNS Comp. Networking & Tech.Supp. Newnham
COR Coronary Care Nursing King
CPA Comp. Programming & Analysis Newnham
CPD Computer Programmer Newnham
CTY Computer Systems Technology Newnham
ECT Computer Engin Technology Newnham
EEN Electronics Engineering Techn Newnham
EET Electronics Engineering Tech Newnham
EMA Electromech Engin Tech-Auto Newnham
FLS Flight Services Newnham
FSO Flight Serv-Ops/Cabin Mgmt Newnham
GBD Global Hospitality Bus Dev Newnham
GEA Gen Arts-Eng for Acad Purposes Newnham
GOM Global Hosp Operations Mgmt Newnham
GRA Graphic Design Seneca@York
GSL Global Hosp Serv Leadership Newnham
GTB Tourism-Serv Mgmt (Glo Bus) Newnham
HFC Hospitality Foundations Newnham
INM Interactive Media Design Seneca@York
INS Interdis Studies Degree Newnham
MES Office Admin – Health Services Seneca@York
MHI Mental Health Intervention King
NLM Nursing Leadership Management King
PBS Pre-Business Newnham
TCS Int’l Transportation & Customs Newnham
TEC Technical Communications Seneca@York
TIS Tourism-Serv Mgmt (Trvl Serv) Newnham
TTO Tourism – Travel Operations Newnham
Program Code Program Name Campus
ACC Accounting Newnham
ACC Accounting Seneca International Academy
ACF Accounting and Finance Newnham
ACT Accounting Techniques Newnham
ACV Acting for Camera and Voice Seneca@York
AIE Adv. Investigations & Enforce. King
APP Accounting and Payroll Newnham
ASE Aviation Safety Newnham
ASU Arts and Science-University Tr Seneca@York
BAB Bus Admin-International Bus Newnham
BAF Bus.Admin.-Financial Planning Newnham
BAG Business Admin-Management Newnham
BAG Business Admin-Management Seneca International Academy
BAM Business Admin – Marketing Seneca@York
BAN Business Analytics Seneca International Academy
BAO Bus.Admin.-Purch.&Supply Mgmt. Newnham
BAS Bus.Admin-Enrep. & Small Bus. Newnham
BBM Business Management Degree Newnham
BBS Business Newnham
BBS Business Seneca International Academy
BCD Child Development Degree King
BCD Child Development Degree Newnham
BHM Healthcare Management Degree King
BHR Bus.Admin. Human Resources Newnham
BIN Business – Insurance Newnham
BMI Intl Business Mgmt Degree Newnham
BMK Brand Management Seneca International Academy
BMRK Honours Bach of Comm-Marketing Newnham
BMT Business – Marketing Seneca International Academy
BMT Business – Marketing Seneca@York
BSCN Nursing – Collab (York/Seneca) King
BTS Building Systems Eng Techn Newnham
BUI Busn-International Busn Newnham
BUI Busn-International Busn Seneca International Academy
CDM Chronic Disease Management King
CHY Chemical Engineering Techy Seneca@York
CIA Crime & Intell Analysis Degree King
CLP Chem.Lab.Techny-Pharm. Seneca@York
COR Coronary Care Nursing King
CPA Comp. Programming & Analysis Seneca International Academy
CTY Computer Systems Technology Newnham
CVL Civil Engineering Technician Newnham
CVT Civil Engineering Technology Newnham
DAD Database Application Developer Newnham
DAN 3D Animation Seneca@York
DNM Doc & Non-Fiction Media Prod Seneca@York
DSA Data Science and Analytics Deg Newnham
DTR Therapeutic Recreation Degree King
ECYA Early Childhood Ed. (Accel) Newnham
EMP Event And Media Production Seneca@York
EMT Environmental Technology Newnham
ETM Environmental Technician Newnham
EVL Environmental Landscape Mgmt King
EVM Event Mktg-Sports,Entmt,Arts Seneca@York
EVT Event Mgmt-Evnt&Exhibit Dsgn Newnham
FAB Fashion Business Newnham
FBM Fashion Business Management Newnham
FCA Fin Srv Compliance Admin Newnham
FDN Floral Design Newnham
FHP Fitness and Health Promotion King
FLS Flight Services Newnham
FPN Fire Protection Eng. Techn. Newnham
FPT Fire Protection Engin Tech Newnham
FSA Fncl.Services-Client Services Newnham
FSM Financial Services Mgmt.Degree Newnham
FSO Flight Serv-Ops/Cabin Mgmt Newnham
FST Fashion Studies Newnham
GAA Game Art & Animation Seneca@York
GAP76 General Arts Newnham
GAP76 General Arts Seneca@York
GAP95 General Arts King
GBD Global Hospitality Bus Dev Newnham
GEA Gen Arts-Eng for Acad Purposes Newnham
GOM Global Hosp Operations Mgmt Newnham
GSL Global Hosp Serv Leadership Newnham
GTB Tourism-Serv Mgmt (Glo Bus) Newnham
HFC Hospitality Foundations Newnham
HRM Human Resources Management Newnham
HRM Human Resources Management Seneca International Academy
HST Human Resources Mgmt Degree Newnham
HTM Hosp-Hotel/Rest Serv Mgmt Newnham
IAF Int’l Accting & Finance Degree Newnham
IBS International Business Mgmt Newnham
IFS Informatics & Security Degree Newnham
JRN Journalism Seneca@York
LAT Liberal Arts Univ Transfer Seneca@York
LAT Liberal Arts Univ Transfer Newnham
LAW Police Foundations King
LCK Law Clerk Seneca@York
LCKA Law Clerk (Accelerated) Seneca@York
LES Office Admin.- Legal Seneca@York
LIT Library & Info.Technician Seneca@York
LITA Library & Info Tech (Accel.) Seneca@York
MATD Mech. Eng. Techn.-Tool Design Newnham
MATT Mechanical Techniques Newnham
MBT Mech.Eng.Techy.Bldg.Sc. Newnham
MES Office Admin – Health Services Seneca International Academy
MKM Marketing Management Seneca International Academy
MKM Marketing Management Seneca@York
NLM Nursing Leadership Management King
NPM Non-Profit Social Sector Mgmt Newnham
OPTC Opticianry Newnham
PBS Pre-Business Newnham
PHS Pre-Health Sciences Pathway King
PMC Project Mgmt – Info Technology Newnham
PMC Project Mgmt – Info Technology Seneca International Academy
PME Proj Mgmt – Environmental Seneca International Academy
PRC Public Relations – Corp Comm Seneca@York
RLS Recreation And Leisure Service King
RPA Real Property Administration Seneca@York
RPAA Real Property Admin (Accel) Seneca@York
RTVR Brdcsting-Radio&Tv-Radio Prod. Seneca@York
SCM Supply Chain Mgmt-Global Logis Seneca International Academy
SCM Supply Chain Mgmt-Global Logis Newnham
SMB Sustainable Business Mgmt Newnham
SMB Sustainable Business Mgmt Seneca International Academy
SSWG Social Service Worker-Grntlgy King
SSWI SSW – Immigrants & Refugees Seneca@York
TCS Int’l Transportation & Customs Seneca International Academy
TCS Int’l Transportation & Customs Newnham
TIS Tourism-Serv Mgmt (Trvl Serv) Newnham
TTO Tourism – Travel Operations Newnham
UWS Underwater Skills King
VMA Visual Merchandising Arts Newnham
WSP Workplace Safety & Prevention King
Program Code Program Name Campus
ACC Accounting Newnham
ACC Accounting Seneca International Academy
ACF Accounting and Finance Newnham
ACT Accounting Techniques Newnham
ACV Acting for Camera and Voice Seneca@York
AFD Art Fundamentals Seneca@York
APP Accounting and Payroll Newnham
ASU Arts and Science-University Tr Seneca@York
BAB Bus Admin-International Bus Seneca International Academy
BAB Bus Admin-International Bus Newnham
BACF Accounting and Finance Degree Newnham
BAF Bus.Admin.-Financial Planning Newnham
BAG Business Admin-Management Newnham
BAG Business Admin-Management Seneca International Academy
BAM Business Admin – Marketing Seneca@York
BAN Business Analytics Seneca International Academy
BAN Business Analytics Newnham
BAO Bus.Admin.-Purch.&Supply Mgmt. Newnham
BAS Bus.Admin-Enrep. & Small Bus. Newnham
BBM Business Management Degree Newnham
BBS Business Newnham
BBS Business Seneca International Academy
BHR Bus.Admin. Human Resources Newnham
BHRM Human Resources Mgmt Degree Newnham
BHS Behavioural Sciences King
BIN Business – Insurance Newnham
BMI Intl Business Mgmt Degree Newnham
BMRK Honours Bach of Comm-Marketing Newnham
BMT Business – Marketing Seneca@York
BMT Business – Marketing Seneca International Academy
BSCN Nursing – Collab (York/Seneca) King
BSD Software Development Degree Newnham
BTA Biotechnology – Advanced Seneca@York
BTM Business Technology Management Newnham
BTS Building Systems Eng Techn Newnham
BUI Busn-International Busn Newnham
BUI Busn-International Busn Seneca International Academy
CAB Creative Advertising Seneca@York
CFP Financial Planning Degree Newnham
CHY Chemical Engineering Techy Seneca@York
CLP Chem.Lab.Techny-Pharm. Seneca@York
CLT Chemical Laboratory Technician Seneca@York
CPA Comp. Programming & Analysis Newnham
CPA Comp. Programming & Analysis Seneca International Academy
CPD Computer Programmer Seneca International Academy
CPD Computer Programmer Newnham
CTM Cosmetic Techniques & Mgmt Newnham
CTY Computer Systems Technology Newnham
CVL Civil Engineering Technician Newnham
CVT Civil Engineering Technology Newnham
CYT Cybersecurity and Threat Mgmt Newnham
DAD Database Application Developer Newnham
DAN 3D Animation Seneca@York
DTR Therapeutic Recreation Degree King
EAS Esthetics And Spa Therapies Newnham
ECE Early Childhood Education Newnham
ECE Early Childhood Education King
ECT Computer Engin Technology Newnham
EEN Electronics Engineering Techn Newnham
EET Electronics Engineering Tech Newnham
EMA Electromech Engin Tech-Auto Newnham
EST Esthetician Newnham
EVM Event Mktg-Sports,Entmt,Arts Seneca@York
FAA Fashion Arts Newnham
FIP Financial Planning Seneca International Academy
FLS Flight Services Newnham
FNT Financial Technology Newnham
FPN Fire Protection Eng. Techn. Newnham
FPT Fire Protection Engin Tech Newnham
FSO Flight Serv-Ops/Cabin Mgmt Newnham
FST Fashion Studies Newnham
GAA Game Art & Animation Seneca@York
GAP76 General Arts Seneca@York
GAP76 General Arts Newnham
GAP95 General Arts King
GBD Global Hospitality Bus Dev Newnham
GEA Gen Arts-Eng for Acad Purposes Newnham
GOM Global Hosp Operations Mgmt Newnham
GRA Graphic Design Seneca@York
GRM Government Relations Seneca@York
GSL Global Hosp Serv Leadership Newnham
GTB Tourism-Serv Mgmt (Glo Bus) Newnham
HFC Hospitality Foundations Newnham
HRM Human Resources Management Newnham
HRM Human Resources Management Seneca International Academy
HTM Hosp-Hotel/Rest Serv Mgmt Newnham
IBS International Business Mgmt Seneca International Academy
IBS International Business Mgmt Newnham
IFS Informatics & Security Degree Newnham
ILS Illustration Seneca@York
INM Interactive Media Design Seneca@York
INS Interdis Studies Degree Newnham
JRN Journalism Seneca@York
LAT Liberal Arts Univ Transfer Seneca@York
LAT Liberal Arts Univ Transfer Newnham
LAW Police Foundations King
LCK Law Clerk Seneca@York
MBT Mech.Eng.Techy.Bldg.Sc. Newnham
MES Office Admin – Health Services Seneca@York
MKM Marketing Management Seneca International Academy
MKM Marketing Management Seneca@York
MTCP Mechanical Technician-CNC Prog Newnham
PBS Pre-Business Newnham
PHO Photography Seneca@York
PHS Pre-Health Sciences Pathway King
PMC Project Mgmt – Info Technology Newnham
PMC Project Mgmt – Info Technology Seneca International Academy
PME Proj Mgmt – Environmental Seneca International Academy
PRC Public Relations – Corp Comm Seneca@York
PSWC Personal Support Worker King
RTVT Broadcasting – Television Seneca@York
SCM Supply Chain Mgmt-Global Logis Seneca International Academy
SCM Supply Chain Mgmt-Global Logis Newnham
SSW Social Service Worker Yorkgate
SSW Social Service Worker King
SSWG Social Service Worker-Grntlgy King
TCS Int’l Transportation & Customs Seneca International Academy
TCS Int’l Transportation & Customs Newnham
TIS Tourism-Serv Mgmt (Trvl Serv) Newnham
TTO Tourism – Travel Operations Newnham
VFT Visual Effects for Film and TV Seneca@York