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    Visa documents are examined and verified in three ways to ensure their logic and accuracy. After the applicant provides their information in Chinese, we carefully verify, sort and complete the applications before submitting them.

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Designated Learning Institution(DLI)

November 3rd, 2019|Visa|

留学低龄化现已成为一个趋势,越来越多的孩子在成年之前就开始了留学生涯。当然,低龄留学的好处也是显而易见:更容易融入当地社会、文化环境,第二外语学得地道、升学机会更好。 那么问题来了,未成年的孩子大多自理能力一般,家长是应该放手让孩子独立成长,还是选择陪读?本文就来说说父母陪读的利弊。

Guaranteed Investment Certificate(GIC)

October 29th, 2019|Visa|

留学低龄化现已成为一个趋势,越来越多的孩子在成年之前就开始了留学生涯。当然,低龄留学的好处也是显而易见:更容易融入当地社会、文化环境,第二外语学得地道、升学机会更好。 那么问题来了,未成年的孩子大多自理能力一般,家长是应该放手让孩子独立成长,还是选择陪读?本文就来说说父母陪读的利弊。


学签续签 Study Permit Renewal


转学通知移民局 Transfer between DLIs

魁省接收函 Quebec Acceptance Certificate

监护人服务 Custodianship

下载授权代理人表格 IMM5476


优途加拿大咨询管理集团留学规划事业部,所属各职级留学规划师、签证移民中心普通文案及助理、各办公室行政职员均不具备加拿大移民顾问协会成员 RCIC 执业资质。因此,上述人员只能向客户陈述现行签证及移民法规、协助客户收集整理申请材料、并将材料递送至集团签证移民事业部具有资质的移民顾问具体处理。「资质认证码 Membership Number:R708987」

According to Canadian federal laws and regulations: A "Use of A Representative Use of A Representative IMM5476[IMM 5476]" form must be signed when hiring a paid representative for business involving visa application, renewal, or immigration application.

下载授权代理人表格 IMM5476

UTOpedia of Studying in Canada




In one's experience of studying abroad, one needs to independantly face the challenges and difficulties in daily life and in education. However, I made the wrong decision! When I was helpless and lost, I was very fortunate to meet Emily from UtoCanada. She helped me and enlightened me. When I met difficulties, UtoCanada gave me a helping hand Their efforts, sincerity, enthusiasm and responsibility made me feel secure. Thanks you, Emily, for taking care of me and being concerned about me. She once said: "As long as you are my student, I will continue to look out for you until you graduate. I will not leave you behind!" She really showed ne the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for everything, UtoCanada and Emily, for all that you have done for me!

Emily’s Student


Emily’s Student

In one's experience of studying abroad, one needs to independantly face the challenges and difficulties in daily life and in education. However, I made the wrong decision! When I was helpless and lost, I was very fortunate to meet Emily from UtoCanada. She helped me and enlightened me. When I met difficulties, UtoCanada gave me a helping hand Their efforts, sincerity, enthusiasm and responsibility made me feel secure. Thanks you, Emily, for taking care of me and being concerned about me. She once said: "As long as you are my student, I will continue to look out for you until you graduate. I will not leave you behind!" She really showed ne the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for everything, UtoCanada and Emily, for all that you have done for me!



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