作为international student recruitment agency in Canada的标杆企业,优途加拿大为大家整理了2018年加拿大各大主要大学专业排名!根据历年加拿大专业的表现情况,加拿大本土最权威2018年大学排名杂志麦考林发布了加拿大专业和学校排名,准备申请2019年入读加拿大大学的同学们赶紧参考一下吧。
2019年麦考林发布了加拿大最热门的9大专业排名,包括 “最佳工程类院校”和“最佳计算机科学院校” Top20排行榜,同时分别给出了地质学、心理学、数学、环境科学、生物学、护理、商科和教育学的Top10分科排名。
*1、University of Toronto(Business Major)
*1、 UBC(University of British Columbia Business Major)
3、University of Alberta(Business Major)
4、Western University(Ivey Business School)
5、McGill University(Business Major)
6、York University(Business Major)
7、Queen’s University(Business Major)
*8、McMaster University (麦克马斯特大学商科专业)
*8、Montreal University (蒙特利尔大学商科专业)
10、University of Waterloo(Business Major)
一般适合没有专业背景,且暂时还没有确定专业方向的学生。所学课程包括:金融、管理学、市场营销、组织分析学、研究方法research methods。
》商务金融 Finance
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或者被划分的更细,如:银行、投资、货币。对数学要求较高,适合有专业背景的学生。所学课程主要包括:Derivative Securities、Asset Pricing、Research Methods in Finance、Foundations in Finance。
》人力资源管理 Human Resources
On the premise of加拿大,人力资源管理专业毕业生有很好的就业前景。所学课程主要包括:劳资关系、人事管理、组织行为与分析、研究方法等,涉及到统筹计效、人员考核、培训等。
》市场营销 Marketing
主要包括:Professional Skills in Marketing、Marketing Management、Retail Marketing、Marketing Communication、Consumer Behavior、Consumer Psychology。适合创造能力强、思维灵活、喜欢并善于与人沟通的人。
》风险管理Risk Management
》项目管理Project Management
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加拿大排名前20Engineering 工程类专业
2、University of Toronto (Engineering major)
2、University of Waterloo(Engineering major)
3、UBC(Engineering major)
4、McGill University(Engineering major)
5、University of Alberta(Engineering major)
6、Université de Montréal (蒙特利尔大学工程类专业)
*8、McMaster University(Engineering major)
*8、Queen’s University(Engineering major)
9、University of Calgary (Engineering major )
10、Concordia University(Engineering major)
11、Simon Fraser University(Engineering major)
*12、UQAM (魁北克大学蒙特利尔分校工程类专业)
*12、Ryerson University(Ryerson UniversityEngineering major)
*14、University of Victoria (Engineering major)
*14、Western University (Engineering major )
16、York University (Engineering major)
*17、Carleton University (卡尔顿大学工程类专业)
*17、University of Ottawa(Engineering major)
19、University of Ottawa(Engineering major)
*20、University of Manitoba (曼尼托巴大学工程类专业)
*20、University of Saskatchewan(University of SaskatchewanEngineering major)
1、 UBC (不列颠哥伦比亚大学护理学专业)
2、 University of Alberta(阿尔伯塔大学护理学专业)
3、University of Toronto(多伦多大学护理学专业)
*4、McMaster Univeristy(麦克马斯特大学护理学专业)
*4、 University of Calgary(卡尔加里大学 护理学专业)
6、 McGill University(麦吉尔大学护理学专业)
7、Queen’s University(皇后大学护理学专业)
8、Dalhousie University(戴尔豪斯大学护理学专业)
9、 Western University(西安大略大学护理学专业)
10、University of Ottawa(渥太华大学护理学专业 )
- 宏观研究方向:教育人类学、比较教育学、教育经济学、教育史学、教育政策研究
- 学校管理方向:教育管理及领导学、课程设置研究
- 教学方向:学习与教学、特殊教育
- 语言学方向:语言与识字、英语教学、应用语言学
- 心理学方向:人类发展与心理学、儿童研究、教育心理学
- 教育技术方向:教育技术。
Top 10 Education Majors in Canada
1、 University of Toronto(Education major at the University of Toronto): The studies in education department is indeed well-known, and far surpasses other education departments, whether comparing its educational research, curriculum setting, academic level of tutors and students, or financial strength, this department very strong. Undergraduate admission requirements: average mark above 80%, your high school graduation examination, college entrance examination results (if you cannot provide college entrance examination results; submit a letter stating the reasons, a copy of your three-year high school award certificate, class ranking, the university acceptance rate of your school’s graduates); TOEFL 100, no less than 22 in writing; IELTS 6.5, no less than 6.0 in each section.
2、UBC(University of British Columbia Education Major ):
3、McGill University(Education Major ): McGill University, regarded as Canada's "Tsinghua-Peking," is located in Montreal, Canada's second largest city.
4、 University of Alberta(Education major): 阿尔伯塔大学又称艾伯特大学(University of Alberta)位于加拿大阿尔伯塔省会城市埃德蒙顿。该校最出名的小学教育专业,项目完成之后,你可以获得教育学士学位,并将推荐成为阿尔伯塔省老师认证
5、Simon Fraser University(Education Major): SFU's Department of Education a global leader in research, academic and advanced knowledge and concepts, focusing on teaching practice and learning experience. Simon Fraser University offers a Master of Education -- Educational Leadership program that combines the true needs of students with the needs of a society, a country and the world for the type of educational talent needed. Every student learns in a multicultural environment. While studying in teaching theory courses, they integrate into the Canadian education systems and participate in its practice. In addition, this program also provides academic, English language learning, and support for international students.
6、University of Calgary(Education Major)
7、University of Ottawa(Education Major): They offer a two-year program. There is an abundant variation of learning tasks during the period of study -- not only in academic aspects, but also in personal, social and professional aspects. At the end of program, you will know how to innovate teaching and become a true education professional. After graduation, graduates can assume teaching and researching roles in schools, hold positions in various departments of a school, become school representatives, work in language schools in Canada (such as CultureWorks, CLLC, etc.) or language centres of universities.
*8、 Queen’s University(Education Major):这是安大略省第二古老的大学,在人文艺术、教育学、法律等专业非常有名。
*8、Western University (西安大略大学教育学专业):
*10、 Université de Montréal (Education Major): University of Montreal is the largest French school in the world.
*10、York University (约克大学教育学专业)
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加拿大排名前10的地质学专业 Geology
1、UBC (不列颠哥伦比亚大学地质学专业 )UBC的地球、海洋和大气科学(包括地质、地球物理和海洋学)是世界上同类部门中规模最大、最多样化的
2、 Queen’s University(皇后大学地质学专业)
3、University of Alberta(阿尔伯塔大学地质学专业 )阿尔伯塔大学地质学专业分为Bachelor of Science with Honors(理学士荣誉学位)、Bachelor of Science with Specialization(特别理学士学位)。阿尔伯塔大学的地质学学位获得了阿尔伯塔省专业工程师、地质学家和地球物理学家协会(APEGGA)的认证,并且提供大量实习。这些实习给课堂知识辅以重要的实践培训。
4、Dalhousie University(戴尔豪斯大学地质学专业 )
5、McGill University(麦吉尔大学地质学专业 )
6、 University of Calgary(卡尔加里大学地质学专业):卡尔加里大学位于阿尔伯塔省。阿尔伯塔省盛产石油和天然气,是加拿大最富裕的省份之一,经济支柱为石油开采加工和天然气产业,这两个行业的产值几乎占全国矿业产值的一半。很多地质学专业的毕业生都能在当地的石油开采加工和天然气公司找到高薪的工作。
7、 University of Toronto(多伦多大学地质学专业)
8、University of Victoria (维多利亚大学地质学专业 )
9、 University of Ottawa (渥太华大学地质学专业)
10、 Western University(西安大略大学地质学专业)
- 宝玉石和矿产资源方向:面向国土资源、建材、冶金、化工、宝玉石(含金银贵金属)等行业,培养矿产资源评价、矿物材料开发利用、宝玉石鉴定与商贸人才;
- 地球环境与灾害防治方向:面向资源、环保和减灾防灾等行业,培养从事地球环境演化与全球变化研究、地质环境保护、灾害防治等科研和管理人才;
- 岩土工程方向:面向城市和各类基础设施建设,培养从事岩土工程研究、工程设计、施工管理方面的人才。
- 地质队:主要是跑野外的,利用地质方法、物理方法、地球化学方法以及地质遥感等找矿,多集中于金属矿种。
- 矿山企业:由于矿山企业的存在,往往会带动周边区域的经济文化等发展。像四川的攀枝花,山西的大同,甘肃的金川、湖南的郴州等矿业城市都属于这种模式。
- 勘查设计研究院:也需要跑一些野外,但是多是技术指导方面的,出去的时间一般也很长,和地质队的情况类似,区别在于:勘察院的一个月会有6天左右的时间,留作自由安排。待遇方面相比地质队会好一些。
1、University of Toronto(多伦多大学数学专业 )
2、UBC(不列颠哥伦比亚大学数学专业 )
3、University of Waterloo(滑铁卢大学数学专业 )
4、 McGill University(麦吉尔大学数学专业)
5、University of Alberta(阿尔伯塔大学数学专业 )
6、 Université de Montréal(蒙特利尔大学-数学专业)
7、University of Victoria(维多利亚大学数学专业 )
8、McMaster University(麦克马斯特大学数学专业 )
8、Simon Fraser University(西蒙菲莎大学 数学专业)
10、Queen’s University(皇后大学数学专业 )
*1、University of Toronto(Biology major )
*1、 UBC(Biology major, University of British Columbia)
3、 McGill University(Biology major)
4、University of Alberta(Biology major )
5、McMaster University(Biology major )
6、Univerity of Guelph(Biology major, University of Guelph)
7、University of Montreal (蒙特利尔大学生物专业)
*8、 Dalhousie University(Biology major)
*8、University of Calgary(Biology major )
10、University of Laval (拉瓦尔大学生物专业)
1、UBC(不列颠哥伦比亚大学心理学专业 )
2、University of Toronto(多伦多大学心理学专业 )
3、McGill University(麦吉尔大学心理学专业 )
4、University of Waterloo(滑铁卢大学心理学专业 )
5、Western University(西安大略大学心理学专业 )
6、Queen’s University(皇后大学心理学专业)
*7、McMaster University(麦克马斯特大学心理学专业)
*7、York University(约克大学心理学专业 )
9、Dalhousie University(戴尔豪斯大学心理学专业)
10、University of Alberta(阿尔伯塔大学心理学专业)
计算机科学(Computer Science, 简称CS) 是系统性地研究the theoretical basis of information and data,and how they are implemented and applied in computer systems. Through foundational training in computer hardware and programming language, this major is intended to teach students about practical applications in the field of computer science and technology. After graduation, students can engaged in scientific research, education, software development and application work.
Computer related majors are one of the most popular majors for those studying abroad in Canada. There are several main reasons for its popularity: 1) high employment rate; 2) favourable treatment, high starting salary, and steady growth rate; 3) this major can allow Chinese students to apply their profound mathematical skills, careful logical thinking, hard work, and other unique strengths, while partially avoiding their weaknesses in language proficiency and adapting to cultural differences; 4) Many people with entrepreneurial dreams hope that one day they can start their own IT company as big as Facebook.
加拿大排名前20的计算机科学专业Computer Science
1、University of Toronto(Computer Science ): The University of Toronto's computer science program has always had the top ranking in Canada. In addition, in the field of artificial intelligence, Dr. Geoffrey Hinton, known as the "Godfather of Deep Learning", teaches in the computer science department.
*2、University of BC(UBCComputer Science): The MSS program is located in the ICICS/CS Building on UBC’s main campus. After the students complete their studies, they are awarded the UBC Computer Science Master's degree and all will be arranged to work in Canada. The internship companies are well-known Canadian companies where students can gain valuable work experience at the same time as obtaining a master's degree from the prestigious UBC. The internships are paid positions and students can earn 80% of their tuition fees, which helps them reduce the financial burden of studying abroad.
*2、University of Waterloo(Computer Science ): The biggest advantage of the University of Waterloo’s computer science major is the internship opportunity (co-op) offered. Co-op students in Waterloo have a good reputation in the industry, so many well-known companies prefer to hire from Waterloo, such as Amazon, BlackBerry, Google, and Microsoft. The disadvantage is that the dropout rate is extremely high. Every year, there are countless numbers of students transferring out of this major, making those who graduate from this major the "true heroes." Many graduates receive an annual salary of $50,000 to $60,000 in their first year.
4、McGill University(Computer ScienceThe status of McGill University in Canada is naturally self-evident and well known.Students of McGill’s Master of Computer Science programcan graduate without writing a thesis. The program is mainly employment-oriented, so it is not suitable for those wishing to pursue doctoral studies.Computer engineering majors, on the other hand, require students to submit a thesis to graduate and are research-oriented.
5、University of Alberta(Computer Science): Computer science majors are some of the best majors at the University of Alberta, and admission to the university is not as difficult as McMaster, U of T, or Waterloo.
6、Université de Montréal (Computer Science)
7、Simon Fraser University(Computer Science ): SFU is one of the top comprehensive research universities in North America. Although for local Canadians, when it comes to SFU, everyone thinks of Beedie School of Business. In fact, its rankings for computer science, interaction design and business programs are among the highest in the world. SFU's computer science employment outlook in the west coast of Canada is very good, and some outstanding graduates have gotten jobs in Google and Microsoft in the United States.
*8、University of Calgary(Computer Science)
*8、McMAster University (麦克马斯特大学计算机科学专业)
10、University of Victoria (Computer Science)
11、Concordia University(康考迪亚大学计算机科学专业)
12、Queen’s University(Computer Science )
*13、 Carleton University(卡尔顿大学计算机科学专业)
*13、University of Manitoba(曼尼托巴大学计算机科学专业)
16、University of Sherbrooke (谢布鲁克大学计算机科学专业)
*17、St. Francis Xavier University(圣弗朗西斯泽维尔大学计算机科学专业 )
*17、Western University (西安大略大学计算机科学专业)
*19、Dalhousie University(戴尔豪斯大学计算机科学专业)
*19、Ryerson University (瑞尔森大学计算机科学专业)
加拿大排名前10 的环境科学专业Environmental Science
1、UBC (不列颠哥伦比亚大学环境科学专业 )
2、McGill University (麦吉尔大学环境科学专业 )
3、 University of Toronto(多伦多大学环境科学专业)
4、 University of Alberta(阿尔伯塔大学环境科学专业)
5、 University of Waterloo(滑铁卢大学环境科学专业)
6、 Simon Fraser University(西蒙菲莎大学环境科学专业)
7、 University of Guelph(圭尔夫大学环境科学专业)
8、University of Saskatchewan(萨斯喀彻温大学环境科学专业 )
9、Dalhousie University(戴尔豪斯大学环境科学专业 )
10、University of Ottawa (渥太华大学环境科学专业)
- 学科论文影响力(35%)、
- 学科论文发表量(10%)、
- 学科论文引用量(10%)、
- 学科名声指数(35%)、
- 学科研究名声指数(10%)
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