[Introduction] Exhibit design is an art, and its subject is the product or commodity. The exhibition space is gradually formed with the development of the times and the progression of society and economy. Exhibit designers play in the process of drawing on innovative, creative, and practical solutions to the challenge of developing communicative environments that ‘tell a story’ in a three-dimensional space. In this major, students will learn to display products, use a variety of materials to design inspired spaces, photograph and promote, organize and plan activities, etc. After graduation, students can pursue careers such as exhibition designer, branding expert, fashion or interior designer, event planner, etc.

Introduction to the Canadian Exhibit Design major

Exhibit design is an art, and its subject is the product or commodity. The exhibition space is gradually formed with the development of the times and the progression of society and the economy. Exhibit designers play in the process of drawing on innovative, creative, and practical solutions to the challenge of developing communicative environments that 'tell a story' in a three-dimensional space. In this major, students will learn to display products, use a variety of materials to design inspired spaces, photograph and promote, organize, and plan activities, etc. After graduation, students can pursue careers such as exhibition designers, branding experts, fashion or interior designers, event planners, etc.

What knowledge and skills do students learn in the Canadian exhibit design major?

The curriculum of this major is divided into different courses, such as design fundamentals, display techniques, lighting and model making, graphic design, industrial/product design, fashion, design history, materials and props, event design, integrated marketing communications for events, event planning and logistics, etc.

Job prospects for exhibit design graduates

Graduates of this major can pursue a career in fashion design and management, as well as event planning. Students can also become exhibition designers, brand experts, fashion or interior designers, event planners, prop makers, stage assistants, retail marketers, fashion buyers, event coordinators, etc.

Jobs for Canadian exhibit designer majors

  • Fashion buyers: Requires a good understanding of fashion trends and rules, as well as the consumer market. They have keen foresight to predict future trends. They use their understanding of their target customers' desires to create an attractive selection of apparel and displays for retail stores and to ensure that the company image is in line with the trends of the season. They must also monitor sales data to ensure that it is directly proportional to the order quantity of various products in the current season. Familiarity with clothing fabrics, design features, manufacturing technology, and cycles are a must. They also need to constantly discover new brands, designers, and trends; communicate and coordinate with various departments; and dispatch goods.
  • Exhibition designer: Participate in the planning, negotiation, and production of the design work. According to the given site conditions and the exhibition content of the client, they need to communicate their client's concepts and images to visitors as they pass through the exhibition. In the design stage, various expression methods are used to demonstrate and communicate concepts to customers and internal teams. They must fully understand the production process, structures, and materials. According to customer feedback and budget conditions, the plan needs to be continuously optimized. Exhibition designers may have to go to the exhibition or show before it opens to support and supervise the installation and setup of the displays.

Salary of Canadian exhibit design graduates

  • Event planner: The average annual salary of event planners in North America is $60,000 USD, but for event planners in the corporate world, the annual salary may reach $70,000 USD. For experienced senior event planners, a six-figure annual salary is not uncommon.
  • Brand experts: The average income of brand experts is $55,000 USD per year, and the annual salary of exceptional brand experts can reach around $70,000 USD.

Majors related to display design in Ontario, Canada (1-to-4-year programs)

Name of Program School Type of Credential Open to International Students Start Date
Visual merchandising art Seneca College Diploma Open September
Visual merchandising art Sheridan College Diploma Open September
Visual merchandising art Conestoga College Diploma Open September
Special event management George Brown College Diploma Open January, May, September

Summary: UtoCanada's views on the exhibit design major

Majors related to exhibit design are generally available in colleges, as they are rarely offered in universities. However, we believe that because of the style of education in colleges, and the fact that their syllabuses are designed by industry experts, these majors are more beneficial for students to learn more in-depth about this profession. In addition to theoretical knowledge, hands-on practice is the most important part of learning. After all, when you enter the industry in the future, practical experience will be of great use. We personally think this major is not only practical but it also quite fun. From interesting design themes to the diverse venue environments, students get to enjoy the process, whether it is in learning or future employment. Moreover, students majoring in exhibit design can have a wide range of employment opportunities after graduation. Especially in today's society, people are beginning to pay attention to the importance of visual arts, and our lives are closely related to display and exhibit designs.