阿岗昆学院 Humber College  今日发布最新通知,考虑到这一特殊时期,以及学生和社会的安全,学校计划 2020 年秋季学期改为线上面授相结合的授课模式;个别专业将被推迟至明年 1 月。通知原文与译文如下。


Our current plans are based on a likely scenario that includes the ability to have limited face-to-face instruction. The only on-campus activities will be those face-to-face courses that require specialized activities and equipment. These spaces will be reconfigured to comply with all Public Health direction and physical distancing requirements.

All learning activities that can be adapted to remote delivery, such as theory-based courses, will be delivered remotely for the Fall Term.

  • Remote Only: All courses and learning activities will be delivered remotely and International students will not be required to be in Canada, but will have to have a valid Study Permit, or a Study Permit approval, to start their studies
  • Remote + on-campus: Some learning activities will require students to come on-campus International students will need to be in Canada on a valid Study Permit.
  • Other: Some programs will not be able to run this fall, and acceptance can be deferred to the next available intake in 2021. Students/agents will be contacted directly with specific information


我们根据对未来形势的判断,计划在 9 月开学后实行以线上授课为主,有限面授为辅的教学方式进行授课。仅在必须使用校内设备器材,或需要进行必要活动时才会要求学生进入校园。并且活动区域将被重新规划,以符合安省公卫部分有关防疫的相关要求。

2020 年 9 月秋季学期,所有诸如纯理论知识等学习科目等能够通过远程教学的课程,将完全通过线上授课方式进行。

  • 仅线上授课专业:所有授课及活动将通过远程方式实现。国际学生无需留在加拿大,但必须具有有效的学习许可才能注册并开始上课;
  • 远程+面授专业:如专业需要进行部分面授,国际学生需持有效学习许可并留在加拿大完成学业;
  • 其他专业:个别无法在今年 9 月正常开展的专业,将被推迟到明年 1 月。