逸之兔2021-09-06T00:16:47-04:00June 1st, 2021|移民权利义务|
逸之兔2021-05-10T15:40:22-04:00April 29th, 2021|省提名移民|
目前看来,安省 EOI 打分系统仍存在很多漏洞,比如硕博类明明不看职位高低与薪资,但却对行业有所要求。比如物理化学等理科项目并没有包含在教育专业分数以内,预计未来可能有所调整。其次,该打分系统的不足也十分明显...
逸之兔2021-05-10T14:48:59-04:00April 28th, 2021|省提名移民|
近日,安省移民厅公布省提名 EOI 打分细则。如下...
逸之兔2021-04-15T18:13:28-04:00April 15th, 2021|签证移民概览|
特赦政策的 90,000 名额中有 40,000 名额分配给毕业生类别,剩余的 50,000 名额分配给有医疗相关或拥有必须职业 Essential occupation 工作经验的申请人。这个必须职业,不是大家认为的高端职业,很多 C/D 类的服务类行业都是涵盖在内的,包括:收银员、送餐司机、清洁工等等,具体请参考列表。
The Employer Job Offer: International Students, Foreign Workers, In-Demand Skills
The biggest features of Ontario's employer-sponsored nomination programs are: low educational qualifications, low language requirements, and less age restrictions. Since this is a paper-based process, the candidate cannot claim the 600 Express Entry points, and is left out of the Express Entry pool. However, the process is relatively long, and it requires applicants to have a work permit of 1-2 years or more.
大多伦多 GTA 以内地区 | 大多伦多 GTA 以外地区 | |
Company History(可以是公司、有限责任合伙公司,或独资企业。在安大略地区有营业场所,被担保的申请人需在此工作) | in active business for at least 3 years | in active business for at least 3 years |
最近财年收入 | 不少于 CAD$1,000,000 加币营业额 | 不少于 CAD$500,000 加币营业额 |
面向加拿大公民或永久居民提供永久性工作岗位数量 | 5 | 3 |
Employers who qualify under In-Demand Skills Stream must:
- provide a necessary permanent full-time position
- not affect employment and training opportunities for Canadian citizens or permanent residents
- 必须在加拿大国家职业分类 NOC 中属于0/A/B类;
- 所提供的薪资:针对国际学生符合入门基础工资水平;
- 所提供的薪资:针对海外技工及紧缺职类符合行业现行工资水平;
- 在加拿大学习并从学院或大学毕业,取得 1 年以上的证书、文凭或学位;
- 在获得毕业证书的 2 年内申请省提名;
- 申请时在加拿大境内有合法身份;
- 如果申请人没有工签或 LMIA,需雇主做出足够努力证明在安省本地劳动力市场无法招聘到合适的人;
- 申请人必须在过去 5 年内至少有 2 年全职的相关工作经验;
- 如果该工作经验在加拿大境内完成,需证明身份有效;
- 工资水平:收入符合安省对该职业和地区的现行工资水平(如申请人已在职,雇主必须满足现行要求,且支付给申请人与当前相等或更多的薪资);
- 工作经验:在过去的 36 个月内在安省累积 9 个月的全职工作经验,或等同的兼职工作经验(季节性工作不符合项目要求);
- 教育程度:完成相当于加拿大高中以上教育或以上学历的教育证明;
- 语言要求:英语或法语满足 CLB4 以上;
- 资金要求:在安省有足够资金支持生活开支;
- 证书要求:若所从事的行业要求 “证书或许可”,需提供此类有效证书;
NOC 3413 – Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
NOC 4412 – Home support workers and related occupations (excluding housekeepers)
NOC 7511 – Transport truck drivers
NOC 7441 – Residential and commercial installers and servicers
NOC 7521 – Heavy equipment operators (except crane)
NOC 8431 – General farm workers
NOC 8432 - Nursery and greenhouse workers
NOC 8611 – Harvesting labourers
NOC 7611 - Construction trades helpers and labourers
NOC 9462 - Industrial butchers, meat cutters, poultry preparers, related workers
Service Fee |
服务费包括省提名及联邦阶段;但不包括省政府及联邦政府收取的申请费、登录费、体检费、公证费等第三方费用。签约时,申请人需已有符合担保条件,同时明确表示愿意提供担保的雇主。我们不会中途以案情变化为由收取额外的费用,也没有其他隐性收费。 |
安省硕、博士毕业 Ontario Master/PhD Graduates
- 此类项目是常规的纸质省提名项目,不能给快速通道加 600 分,也无需预进入 EE 池子。
- 此类别需先在 EOI 池注册,达到邀请分数被邀请后才能提交正式申请。
- 申请人需要在毕业后 2 年内递交申请。
- 该项目并不要求申请人有工作,但正在加拿大工作会提高申请人的分数并增加邀请几率。
Location Preference | Plans to settle down and work in Ontario |
Designated College | Graduated from a DLI public master's program at a designated university |
Duration of Study | Completed at least 1 year of full-time master's study |
Quick Application | Application must be submitted within 2 years after receiving a degree or meeting graduation requirements |
 Duty of residence | Legally lived in Ontario for at least one year in the two years before application. |
No longer studying | No longer studying in Ontario |
Language Requirements | 语言达到 Canadian Language Benchmarks level 7 (CLB 7)7级(具体而言雅思四科达到 6.0 或思培四科达到 7.0) |
Proof of Funds | Proof of funds meets 50% of Low Income Cut-offs (LICOs)的 50% |
Photo | Applicant’s photo (electronic copy) |
Passport | 申请人彩色高清扫描整本护照每一页;家庭成员彩色高清扫描护照首页/信息页(如适用) |
Resume | Applicants can provide Chinese resume for us to translate and polish |
Location Preference | A letter stating your intention to live permanently in Ontario |
Proof of Graduation | Graduation certificate, transcript; (if not graduated, you must provide a school issued letter to prove your qualification for graduation |
Birth Certificate | Notarization of birth certificate |
Canadian legal status | Proof of the applicant's legal status in Canada (valid student visa, work permit, etc |
Proof of Residence | 申请递交前 2 年内在安省连续生活满 1 年的证明(例如:电话账单、车房保险、租房合同、工资单等) |
Language Requirements | 语言达到 Canadian Language Benchmarks level 7 (CLB 7)valid up to 2 years (not required for PhD graduates) |
Proof of Funds | 过去 6 个月的银行月结单,或海外银行账户月结单。目前在安省就业,通常可以作为资金证明的一部分 |
Service Fee |
服务费不包括省政府及联邦政府收取的申请费、登陆费、体检费、生物采集费、邮寄费等第三方费用。我们不会中途以案情变化为由收取额外的费用,也没有其他隐性收费。 |
安大略省是中国人的首选目的地之一,加拿大最大城市多伦多和首都渥太华都在安大略省。尼亚加拉瀑布城、汽车城温莎市、加拿大伦敦市都在安大略省。 Toronto Universities、McMaster University、York University、Western University、 University of Waterloo、Queens University等著名学府也都在安大略省。
因为是快速通道项目,省提名和联邦阶段总共耗时 1 年左右可以办理完毕。
曾几何时,这个项目是在 400 分以上随机邀请申请人,很多低至 400-405 分的幸运儿拿到了邀请并顺利移民成功。2018 年安省的邀请规律让人捉摸不定,2019年第一次邀请了 439 分以上的申请人,但不久联邦邀请线降到了 438 分,第一次邀请预计全部作废。2019 年 5 月底这个项目分职业邀请了一些申请人,是该项目首次按照职业类别邀请。2019 年 7 月该项目增加了 Tech Draw,优先邀请有计算机背景的申请人。
2020 年,该项目开始规律邀请,且几乎每次都是特定职业的申请人。
- 满足联邦技术移民或者加拿大经验类移民的基本条件,参考快速通道
- 如果通过联邦技术移民类移民进入池子,过去五年内至少要有一年连续的工作经验
- 必须有学士学位或以上的学历
- 语言需达到 CLB7 级(雅思培训类 4 个 6.0)
- 快速通道的分数和其他条件达到安省某一次邀请的要求
- 有足够的资金支持在安省的花销
- 有意向居住在安省
Service Fee |
服务费包括省提名阶段和联邦阶段,但不包括省政府和联邦政府收取的申请费、登录费和体检费、公证费等第三方费用。 |
Beginning May 31st, 2017, Ontario has launched the Express Entry Skilled Trades Stream program for applicants who have worked in a skilled trade occupation for one year. Applicants must first enter the Express Entry pool through Canadian Experience Class (CEC) or Federal Skilled Worker (FSW). The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) will issue a Notification of Interest (NOI) to the applicant, plus 600 points to guarantee an invitation to apply for immigration.
The application processes for the Provincial Nominee Program and federal programs are usually completed within 12 months. Because it is Ontario's Express Entry Provincial Nominee Program, this does not require an employer sponsorship certificate.
Location Preference | Plans to settle down and work in Ontario |
Work Experience | at least 1 year of cumulative work experience in Ontario in a skilled trade within the past 2 years |
Quick Application | Application must be submitted within 2 years after receiving a degree or meeting graduation requirements |
Valid certificate or licence | If you are engaged in a compulsory trade that requires certification, you must have a valid certificate or licence in Ontario at the time you apply. |
Language Requirements | 语言达到 Canadian Language Benchmarks level 7 (CLB 7)or higher (or an IELTS General scores: Listening/Speaking/Reading/Writing = 5/5/4/5) |
Settlement Funds | Proof of funds meets 50% of Low Income Cut-offs (LICOs) Not required for applicants seeking employment in Ontario |
6331 Butchers, meat cutters and fishmongers-retail and wholesale
6332 Bakers
7201 Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations
7202 Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations
7203 Contractors and supervisors, pipefitting trades
7204 Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades
7205 Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers
7231 Machinists and machining and tooling inspectors
7232 Tool and die makers
7233 Sheet metal workers
7234 Boilermakers
7235 Structural metal and plate-work fabricators and fitters
7236 Ironworkers
7237 Welders and related machine operators
7241 Electricians (except industrial and power system)
7242 Industrial electricians
7243 Power system electricians
7244 Electrical power line and cable workers
7245 Telecommunications line and cable workers
7246 Telecommunications installation and repair workers
7247 Cable television service and maintenance technicians
7251 Plumbers
7252 Steamfitters, pipe-fitters and sprinkler system installers
7253 Gas fitters
7271 Carpenters
7272 Cabinetmakers
7281 Bricklayers
7282 Concrete finishers
7283 Tile-setters
7284 Plasterers, drywall installers and finishers and lathers
7291 Roofers and shinglers
7292 Glaziers
7293 Insulators
7294 Painters and decorators (except interior decorators)
7295 Floor covering installers
7301 Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades
7302 Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews
7303 Supervisors, printing and related occupations
7304 Supervisors, railway transport operations
7305 Supervisors, motor transport and other ground transit operators
7311 Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics
7312 Heavy-duty equipment mechanics
7313 Refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics
7314 Railway carmen/women
7315 Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors
7316 Machine fitters
7318 Elevator constructors and mechanics
7321 Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairers
7322 Motor vehicle body repairers
7331 Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics
7332 Appliance services and repairers
7333 Electrical mechanics
7334 Motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle and other related mechanics
7335 Other small engine and small equipment repairers
7361 Railway and yard locomotive engineers
7362 Railway conductors and brakemen/women
7371 Crane operators
7372 Drillers and blasters-surface mining, quarrying and construction
7373 Water well drillers
7381 Printing press operators
7384 Other trades and related occupations, n.e.c.
8211 Supervisors, logging and forestry
8221 Supervisors, mining and quarrying
8222 Contractors and supervisors, oil and gas drilling and services
8231 Underground production and development miners
8232 Oil and gas well drillers, services, testers and related workers
8241 Logging machinery operators
8252 Agricultural service contractors, farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers
8255 Contractors and supervisors, landscaping, grounds maintenance and horticulture services
8261 Fishing masters and officers
8262 Fishermen/women
A compulsory trade certificate issued by the government of Ontario is required to work in a compulsory trade. Obtaining a Certificate of Qualification is more difficult as it has a higher language requirement. Therefore, it is recommended that applicants choose careers that do not require certifications.
Service Fee |
服务费不包括省政府及联邦政府收取的申请费、登陆费、体检费、生物采集费、邮寄费等第三方费用。我们不会中途以案情变化为由收取额外的费用,也没有其他隐性收费。 |
The OINP specifically targets the PNP for immigrant applicants with high education, high French and English proficiency. Applicants must first enter the Express Entry pool through Canadian Experience Class (CEC) or Federal Skilled Worker (FSW). The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) will issue a Notification of Interest (NOI) to the applicant, plus 600 points to guarantee an invitation to apply for immigration.
The provincial nomination process and the federal application process are usually completed within 12 months.
Location Preference | Plans to settle down and work in Ontario |
Work Experience | At least 1 year of continuous working experience in the past 5 years (applicable for entering the Federal Skilled Worker pool) |
Educational Requirements | a bachelor degree or above |
Language Requirements | 法语达到 Canadian Language Benchmarks level 7 (CLB 7)or higher in French, and a CLB 6 or higher in English |
Settlement Funds | Proof of funds meets 50% of Low Income Cut-offs (LICOs) Not required for applicants seeking employment in Ontario |
Service Fee |
服务费不包括省政府及联邦政府收取的申请费、登陆费、体检费、生物采集费、邮寄费等第三方费用。我们不会中途以案情变化为由收取额外的费用,也没有其他隐性收费。 |
UTOpedia of Studying in Canada

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